Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated! *UPDATED*

Hello all!

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here.

To be honest, I haven't had anything to blog about, radio related or not. I was working on one of my famous non-amateur radio related posts about the 100th anniversary of World War One, but I can't quite get the thoughts in my head and feelings in my heart to translate in to words on the page, so it may happen sooner, or later, or never at all.

As many of you know, I am in the middle of a dramatic, life and career change, and I have been working 8 hours a day, five days a week driving a forklift and moving lumber, to keep some cash flowing, then working the other two days a week and in the evenings twisting wrenches for my old gig... Then, this week, I found out my Plan A is kinda dicking me around. Unfortunately, I turned down Plans B, C, D and E because Plan A was supposed to happen in weeks, not months or years so I am kind of in limbo, with no time to play with radios or put my random thoughts down in a blog.

Anyway, I guess a post to tell you that I have nothing to post is pretty ridiculous, so please at the very least enjoy this picture of a rare evening off  tonight, which I spent listening to local traffic with my hastily setup station, and enjoying the sunshine and a cold drink... [more below the pic!]

* As I was typing that last sentence, a fire call came in for two local municipalities to respond to our city's airport for an "Aircraft emergency" which turns out is a plane on fire... stand by for details!

** Update for all my loyal readers who are at the edge of your seats: As soon as I heard the fire call come in, I also tuned to the local tower and heard some traffic about the emergency, but nothing of note. Being the thoughtful person I am, I thought it pertinent to call my dad, who not only has a scanner, but happens to live directly at the business end of main runway of the airport in question. My mom answered and informed me that my dad was on his bike and headed to a meeting at a local church on the other end of the airport. His route would take him along the entire north side of the airport, which has a complete unobstructed and elevated view of the airport... So, naturally, I called him immediately and was treated by an immediate update and then a live play-by-play! Long story short, the plane landed safely. Lots of lights and sirens, firetrucks, ambulances, and other traffic. No smoke to be seen, so it must have been in the cabin. But all turned out well. 

Moral of the Story: Sometimes, even dads are better in an emergency than radios! LOL